D Wall & Son Farms
We are a family-owned and operated farm in Dalton, Georgia. We are typically working on the farm during store hours, so just give us a call! Cows, pigs, eggs, and locally-grown Georgia produce available year-round.

Our beef is Angus, Holstein, & Brahman and it is entirely grass-fed and grass/grain-finished for quality and flavor.

Our Pork is entirely free of antibiotics, growth hormones, and any chemicals and is raised on a natural diet.

Our chicken is entirely free of antibiotics, growth hormones, and any chemicals and is raised on a natural diet.

Our farm is free of pesticides, and fungicides, adhering to the natural standards of organic farming.
We are a family-owned and operated farm in Dalton, Georgia. We are typically working on the farm during store hours, so just give us a call! Beef, pork, poultry, and locally-grown Georgia produce are available year-round.